Friday, 27 July 2007


I cannot begin to tell you how important lists are and how intergral they are to my personal and professional life. I make lists for pretty much everything. I have lists for things I need to do in a day which would read something like this:
  • Go to Needs supermarket
  • File tax returns
  • Book tickets for travel
  • Keep an eye for air travel sectors opening up
  • Ask maid about something

And then more detailed lists to define each of the above for e.g. on tax returns:

  • Ask someone in office if they know a CA
  • Remind Etch to follow up with Colpal for Form 16
  • Put together all documents

And then another one which lists down what needs to be done with each of these documents:

  • Photocopy Form 16 - 2 (etch's and mine)
  • Photocopy last year's saral forms
  • Photocopy all investment proofs etc etc

So thats how my life goes. CAll me boring if you may. But trust me it rids you of a lot of stress. That is ofcourse if you are the type to get stressed out over the 'things to do'

Its a huge relief to know you dont HAVE to keep something in mind and remember to remember something somewhere.

The secret to many a stressfree moments is "Making lists" and many a stressbusting moments is "Ticking things off"